Greetings, flawed human beings. I finally have a new laptop that I’m happy with. Website in dire need of updating. I of course have my own play space in Stretford , Manchester (since October) So first on the update hit list will be ‘Premises’ page. Manchester MistressNyx 07946 075501 Top Mistresses in Manchester. […]
Greetings, toe rags, Just a quick blog to countervail the harshness of the previous blog. Don’t worry little ones.. I’m not cross with you. Mummy’s had her Prozac. Manchester Mistress Nyx aka www.nanny-eva.co.uk 07946 075501 Manchester Mistress Nyx. One of the best Manchester adult baby Nannies. A Manchester Dominatrix extraordinaire. One of the best Manchester […]
Greetings, doormats, I like most of my visitors. But like the pictured chicken-livered excuse of a male.. Some of you are so unworthy you are permitted to be in the presence of this Manchester Dominatrix… Only if you pay. Let me tell you now, the financial nemuneration is purely for sharing the same air.. It […]
Greetings, sluts, I am thinking about gracing ‘Bitches Unleashed’ with my presence this Saturday. Still not sure if I can make it. I have a very busy day of sessioning on Sunday and I like to have my wits about me. When I do socialise, it’s not really my style to go out for an […]
Greetings, lost causes, Very quick blog.. So tired. . Hard work keeping prisoners long term. They are dependent on me. It’s like having another pet. I even feed them the same food as my cats.. Or if I’m in a good mood, and my milk of human kindness is free flowing.. Adult baby captive gets […]
Greetings, animals, Are you thirsty? You may drink my urine. Are you hungry? You may eat my scraps. Are you horny? You must wear a chastity cage. Are you disobedient? I will hurt you. Do you like your freedom? I will confine you. Are you free-spirited?.. I will break you. Welcome to a dog’s life… […]
Greetings, minions, I am delighted the nights are rapidly drawing in. With each day that passes, I am exposed to less and less sunlight. Before you know it, it will be Halloween. Personally, I can’t wait.. It’s the one day of the year where I am actually not vilified for frightening small children. I thank […]
Greetings, losers, Manchester Mistress Nyx will be uploading a lot more blogs from now on. I finally have a new PC. The last laptop died a rather sudden death weeks, if not months ago. Well I say sudden.. It’s final days involved being held together with packing tape. I’ve taken my time getting a new […]
Greetings, wasters, Be good girls and follow my 2 twitter accounts: NannyEva1 ManchesterNyx You get to see pics and clips every day.. free! Following, liking and retweeting greatly support your Mistress and her alter ego, Nanny Eva I am thinking about buying a caravan.. And setting up a mobile dungeon. I’ll be calling it.. ‘Trailer […]
SISSY MAID TRAINING Greetings, sissy faggots, Pictured is the newly ordered humiliator gag. As my fully trained sissy maid, you are merely an object to be used And abused.. Corrected and punished. Pictured gag should arrive by next week… Along with many other humiliating attachments. I thank you Manchester Mistress Nyx 07946 075501 aka Manchester […]